Annotator tutorial

Writing an Annotator

Method developers and researchers can make their results available by packaging them as an OpenCRAVAT annotator and then publishing them to the OpenCRAVAT Store. Annotators typically include a database of annotations for fast high-throughput analysis of large variant files. The preferred storage mechanism for annotator reference data is sqlite databases, but other formats can be used.

This page provides a tutorial for writing an annotator from start to finish. For detailed documentation on each component of an annotator, try Annotator Reference

The completed annotator from this tutorial can be seen at the OpenCRAVAT Modules repository, which also contains the code for most other annotators.

flowchart TD A[Initialize Module] --> B click A "#initializing-an-annotator-module" B[Load Annotation\ninto Database] --> C click B "#loading-annotations-as-a-sqlite-file" C[Map Annotations\nin Python] --> D click C "#mapping-our-annotator-file" D[Customize Output/\nDisplay]

Creating an annotator module requires the following:

  1. Initializing an new annotator skeleton using oc new annotator <modulename>

  2. Loading an annotator file into a SQLite database (<modulename>.sqlitess) using sqlite3

  3. Mapping the annotator sqlite file in the <modulename>.py file

  4. Customizing the output using the <modulename>.yml file

Annotator Module Structure

Before we initialize a new module, let’s look at the basic structure of an annotator module.

There are three files we need to concentrate on to get our annotator working: data/sift.sqlite,, and sift.yml.

├── data
│.. └── sift.sqlite               ## contains annotations in sqlite format
├──                       ## describes how to use annotator
├──                       ## maps annotation columns to variant input
└── sift.yml                      ## configures output columns

3 directories, 5 files

Initializing an annotator module

Before we create a new annotator, we need to find where modules are installed on the system. We can do this by using oc config md:

oc config md

Now we can create our new sift module using oc new annotator:

oc new annotator sift
Annotator sift_annotator created at /Users/Shared/open-cravat/modules/annotators/sift

If we take a look at the file structure of our initialized module it looks like this:

tree  /Users/Shared/open-cravat/modules/annotators/sift/
├── data
│   └── sift.sqlite
└── sift.yml

So now we need to get our annotations into the sqlite format, map it in our annotate() method, and then customize the display in our .yml file.


Developers can change the modules directory by passing the new directory as an argument to oc config md. The command changes the directory that OpenCRAVAT searches for modules. The command does not move currently installed modules to the new directory, which must be done manually if desired.

$ oc config md /my/custom/modules/location
$ oc config md

Loading annotations as a SQLite file

OpenCravat requires us to supply our annotations as a SQLite file. sqlite3 is a database system that allows us to package our annotations in the .sqlite format, which makes our annotations accessible to OpenCravat.

SQLite is available on most systems (MacOS/PC/Linux) as the sqlite3 command.

Fetching our SQLite annotations

Let’s take a look at an example .sqlite file before we load our own. In our annotator’s data/ directory (for example, /Users/Shared/open-cravat/modules/annotators/sift/data/), we can fetch an example .sqlite file. We’ll rename it sift.sqlite.

wget "" -O sift.sqlite
--2024-05-24 07:31:22--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
Saving to: ‘example.sqlite’

example.sqlite                      [  <=>                                                ] 157.51K   602KB/s    in 0.3s

2024-05-24 07:31:23 (602 KB/s) - ‘example.sqlite’ saved [161288]

Now that we have it in our annotator’s data/ directory, we can query it.

sqlite3 sift.sqlite 'select * from sift limit 10;'

Importing a Comma Separated Value file to SQLite

Now that we’re more familiar with the SQLite format, we can start loading our own version. We’ll do this for a CSV (comma separated value) file first.

We’ll first create the sift.sqlite file by using sqlite3. This will put us into the sqlite3 prompt interface.

sqlite3 sift.sqlite
SQLite version 3.43.2 2023-10-10 13:08:14
Enter ".help" for usage hints.

Interacting with the ``sqlite3`` prompt

There are two main ways we can interact with the sqlite3 interface: SQL Queries:


Note that SQL queries always end with a ;.

The other way we can interact with the interface are dot commands, such as .mode or .schema - these do not end with a ;. These dot commands are are often used to change internal settings for the sqlite database. For example, to set the import format to .csv, we can use:

.mode csv

Again, note that these commands don’t end with a ;. You will get errors if you terminate them with ;.

To make things easier to distinguish, we’ll use all caps for SQL and lowercase for dot commands.

Creating our Table

Before we load our data in, we need to create our table. This is important because our columns have different data types, and we have to map them to the SQLite data types:

CREATE TABLE "sift" ('chrom' TEXT, 'pos' INT,
                     'ref' TEXT, 'alt' TEXT,
                     'score' REAL, 'nseq' INT);
CREATE INDEX main_index on sift (chrom, pos, ref, alt);

Note that score (the SIFT score) has a REAL data type.

Now that the table is created, we can load our sift.csv file. We need to change the mode to csv.

.mode csv

Now we can import our data using the .import dot command. Because our sift.csv has a header row, we need to skip it, so we use the --skip 1 argument.

.import --skip 1 sift.csv sift

We can check that we loaded in our data correctly by using the .schema command and a SELECT * query:

CREATE TABLE sift (chrom text, pos int, ref text, alt text, score real, nseq int);
CREATE INDEX main_index on sift (chrom, pos, ref, alt);


.mode box
│ chrom │   pos    │ ref │ alt │ score │ nseq │
│ chr17 │ 43045681 │ G   │ A   │ 1.0   │ 7    │
│ chr17 │ 43045681 │ G   │ G   │ 1.0   │ 7    │
│ chr17 │ 43045682 │ T   │ A   │ 0.0   │ 7    │
│ chr17 │ 43045682 │ T   │ C   │ 0.0   │ 7    │
│ chr17 │ 43045682 │ T   │ G   │ 0.0   │ 7    │

When we’re done, we can use .exit to exit our session and save our .sqlite file.


We can double check our .sqlite file has our information by using sqlite3 to execute a query on the command line:

sqlite3 sift.sqlite 'select * from sift limit 5;'


Loading VCF Files as Annotations

Let’s try loading in an RNA Editing VCF file into a .sqlite file.

The first thing that we should notice is that there are multiple rows we need to skip to load our VCF data in. There are 4 lines of metadata + 1 header row that we need to skip to load our data in correctly.

tedladeras$ head GRCh38.RNAediting.vcf
##INFO=<ID=RNAEDIT,Type=String,Description="A known or predicted RNA-editing site">
#CHROM  POS     ID      REF     ALT     QUAL    FILTER  INFO
chr1    10187   .       A       G       .       .       RNAEDIT=RADAR
chr1    10193   .       A       G       .       .       RNAEDIT=RADAR
chr1    10211   .       A       G       .       .       RNAEDIT=RADAR
chr1    10217   .       A       G       .       .       RNAEDIT=RADAR
chr1    10223   .       A       G       .       .       RNAEDIT=RADAR

Again, we create our database:

sqlite3 vcf.sqlite

Then we can define our table:

create table "vcf" ("chrom" TEXT, "pos" INT, "id" TEXT,
                    "ref" TEXT, "alt" TEXT, "qual" INT,
                    "filter" TEXT, "info" TEXT);

And then we can load our VCF file. Note that we need to skip 5 rows (VCF file metadata and the header row) to load our data in.

.mode tabs
.import --skip 5 GRCh38.RNAediting.vcf vcf

Then we can check that we loaded the data correctly:

.mode box
select * from vcf limit 10;

Finally, now that we’re satisfied, we can .exit:


Mapping our annotator file

Now that our data is loaded into our .sqlite file, we need to set up our mapping. If we look in, we’ll see there are stubs for three methods: setup(), annotate(), and cleanup():

flowchart LR A[] --method-->B["setup()"] A --method-->C["annotate()"] A --method-->D["cleanup()"]

This is what the .py file looks like:

cat /Users/Shared/open-cravat/modules/annotators/sift/
import sys
from cravat import BaseAnnotator
from cravat import InvalidData
import sqlite3
import os

class CravatAnnotator(BaseAnnotator):

    def setup(self):
        Set up data sources.
        Cravat will automatically make a connection to
        data/example_annotator.sqlite using the sqlite3 python module. The
        sqlite3.Connection object is stored as self.dbconn, and the
        sqlite3.Cursor object is stored as self.cursor.

    def annotate(self, input_data, secondary_data=None):
        The annotator parent class will call annotate for each line of the
        input file. It takes one positional argument, input_data, and one
        keyword argument, secondary_data.

        input_data is a dictionary containing the data from the current input
        line. The keys depend on what what file is used as the input, which can
        be changed in the module_name.yml file.
        Variant level includes the following keys:
            ('uid', 'chrom', 'pos', 'ref_base', 'alt_base')
        Variant level crx files expand the key set to include:
            ('hugo', 'transcript','so','all_mappings')
        Gene level files include
            ('hugo', 'num_variants', 'so', 'all_so')

        secondary_data is used to allow an annotator to access the output of
        other annotators. It is described in more detail in the CRAVAT

        annotate should return a dictionary with keys matching the column names
        defined in example_annotator.yml. Extra column names will be ignored,
        and absent column names will be filled with None. Check your output
        carefully to ensure that your data is ending up where you intend.
        out = {}
        out['placeholder_annotation'] = 'placeholder value'
        return out

    def cleanup(self):
        cleanup is called after every input line has been processed. Use it to
        close database connections and file handlers. Automatically opened
        database connections are also automatically closed.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    annotator = CravatAnnotator(sys.argv)

We will focus on the annotate() method first.

annotate() method

Our annotate() method is where we map our annotations in our .sqlite file to an input called input_data. input_data essentially is a single row of our genomic file to annotate represented as a dictionary.

This is what our input_data list looks like:


In order to annotate our file, we need to map each relevant element of input_data to a column in our .sqlite file.

Mapping between ``input_data`` and our ``sift`` table

Mapping between input_data and our sift table

chrom = input_data["chrom"]
pos = input_data["pos"]
query = (f'select score, nseq from sift' \
          'where chrom="{chrom}"'\
          'and pos="{pos}"')
result = self.cursor.fetchone()

The first thing we do is we extract chrom and pos from our list:

chrom = input_data["chrom"]
pos = input_data["pos"]

Let’s look at our query next.

query = (f'select score, nseq from sift' \
          'where chrom="{chrom}"'\
          'and pos="{pos}"')

Note that we are querying our table, so the table’s column is on the left size, and the input_data field is on the left. We are using variable substitution in our query to match the value to chrom in our table. In other words, our query works like this:

where chrom ="{chrom}"
      ^^^^.     ^^^^
      sift      input_data

Finally, we execute our query by using the execute() method that was inherited in our class definition.

result = self.cursor.fetchone()

The last bit calculates a new column, called prediction based on the actual SIFT score. We call everthing below

if result is not None:
    score = result[0]
    num_seq = result[1]
    if score <= 0.05:
        prediction = 'Damaging'
        prediction = 'Tolerated'

Finally, we return our annotations as a dictionary. If there was no result, we return None:

    return {
        'score': score,
        'seq_count': num_seq,
        'prediction': prediction,
    return None

Our final annotate() method looks like this:

def annotate(self, input_data, secondary_data=None):
    chrom = input_data['chrom']
    pos = input_data['pos']
    ref_base = input_data['ref_base']
    alt_base = input_data['alt_base']
    query = f'select score, nseq from sift where chrom="{chrom}" and pos={pos} and ref="{ref_base}" and alt="{alt_base}";'
    result = self.cursor.fetchone()
    if result is not None:
        score = result[0]
        num_seq = result[1]
        if score <= 0.05:
            prediction = 'Damaging'
            prediction = 'Tolerated'
        return {
            'score': score,
            'seq_count': num_seq,
            'prediction': prediction,
        return None

Displaying results

The annotator config file tells OpenCRAVAT what columns to expect from the annotate method, and how to display them in the results. It also contains display hints and metadata for the annotator itself, and attribution to the original data source.

The annotator uses yaml format, which is more readable representation of JSON, and python dictionaries.

To start, make a few edits to the parts that describe the annotator itself. Be sure to edit the relevant lines in the yml, don’t add new lines.

title: Example (SIFT BRCA1)
version: 1.0.0
description: Example annotator. BRCA1 scores from SIFT, a variant effect predictor.

Next, replace the output_columns section with this.

- name: prediction
  title: Prediction
  type: string
- name: score
  title: Score
  type: float
- name: seq_count
  title: Seqs at Position
  type: int

Three keys are needed to describe each column - name is the internal identifier of the column, it must exactly match one of the keys in the dictionary returned from annotate. Column names should only include lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores. Names cannot have two underscores in a row, and cannot start with a number. - title is the display name of the column, it will be shown in place of the name in reports whenever possible. - type is the type of the column data. Choose from string, float, or int.

Many more keys can be added to output columns to change their behavior in reports. Three are worth including in this annotator. Edit the yml again so that it shows:

- name: prediction
  title: Prediction
  type: string
  desc: Tolerated if Score > 0.05. Damaging if Score <= 0.05
  width: 70
- name: score
  title: Score
  type: float
  desc: Ranges from 0 to 1
- name: seq_count
  title: Seqs at Position
  type: int
  desc: Number of sequences scored by SIFT at this position
  width: 60
  hidden: true

The desc key is a longer description of a column. It shows up when the mouse hovers over a column in the GUI. The width key controls the width of the column in the GUI. It is measured in CSS pixels. Finally, hidden: true will hide a column by default in the GUI. To conserve space, most annotators should only show 3 or fewer default columns.

A full list of accepted and required config properties can be found at the `annotator.yml <./Annotator-Reference#annotatoryml>`__ reference documentation.

Running the annotator

At this point, the annotator should have everything it needs to run. This vcf file contains a few pathogenic and tolerated BRCA1 variants, and one variant not on BRCA1. Run it with oc run input.vcf -a example and check out the output with oc gui input.vcf.sqlite. It should look something like

The sqlite database

After all annotatos are finished, OpenCRAVAT aggregates all annotations into a sqlite database. It can be helpful to know how to find your annotators output in the database.

Variant level annotations are written to a table called variant. The column names are made by combining the annotator name and the column name with a double undersore. So, for our annotator, the database columns are called example__score, example__prediction, and example__seq_count.

The config for each output column is written to the variant_header table, and the config data for the annotator is writted to the variant_annotator table.

DB Browser for SQLite is an excellent cross-platform GUI for reading sqlite files.


Finding Errors

When oc runs, two logs files are created: input.vcf.log and input.vcf.err. Exceptions raised by will show up in these two places. The traceback is put in .log, and the variant causing the exception is put in .err. If the same exception occurs again, .log is not written, but .err contains all variants that caused an exception.

Raw annotator output

Remove any output files from a previous run, and run oc again with the --temp-files flag. This will keep temporary files around after the job finishes.

rm input.vcf.*
oc run input.vcf -a example --temp-files

There should be a file called input.vcf.crv.example.var. This is the raw output of the example annotator. It includes some header lines with information from the module config, and tab separated data lines.

#displayname=Example (SIFT BRCA1)
#column={"index": 0, "name": "uid", "title": "UID", "type": "int",...
#column={"index": 1, "name": "prediction", "title": "Prediction", ...
#column={"index": 2, "name": "score", "title": "Score", "type": ...
#column={"index": 3, "name": "seq_count", "title": "Seqs at ...
#UID    Prediction  Score   Seqs at Position
2   Damaging    0.004   26
3   Tolerated   1.0 18
4   Damaging    0.0 18
5   Damaging    0.0 18
6   Tolerated   0.128   17

Running directly

It’s possible to run an annotator without running all of OpenCRAVAT. Clean the working directory, then run oc but end at the mapper stage.

rm input.vcf.*
oc run input.vcf --endat mapper

At this point, there is a file, input.vcf.crv that contains all of the variants in your input file. You can pass this file to the annotator to create input.vcf.crv.example.var directly.

python3 md/annotators/example/ input.vcf.crv

When run this way, the .log and .err files will be input.vcf.crv.log and input.vcf.crv.err.

This method can be used to run annotators with debuggers in most IDEs like VSCode, Spyder, or Jupyter.